AYSO Region 440 Gameday Expectations
All Players must bring/wear uniforms (shirt, shorts, and socks), shoes, shinguards (under socks!), ball, and water. Cleats are helpful but not required, and athletic shoe is ok.
Rain: Unless the Region cancels a game via our Facebook page, all teams should play every game! At a game, the center referee makes the call. AYSO and our kids win when everyone plays. It takes a large amount of money and volunteer work to organize our season and games (training, teams, uniforms, fields, equipment, coaches, referees, and more). Please respect all of this work that is done for you and your child and make every effort to attend all games and practices regardless of weather and location.
Do not bring pets to soccer games. Games are busy enough.
The goals, nets and other field equipment have been purchases by Regio for use by the players. Goals and nets are not to be used as monkey bars by any child. Parents will be held financially responsible for damage caused by inappropriate behavior of their children.
Players may not wear any jewelry. It is allowed, if a player is required by their religion to wear an item and it cannot be removed temporarily.
Hard casts are not allowed even if wrapped up. Soft casts are not allowed either.
Parents cheer, coaches coach, and referees administer the game.
If it is the last game of the day, parents, coaches, and referees should all help in putting away all the field equipment (including corner flags and signs)
Everyone (players, parents, coaches, and referees) should help clean up the field before the team departs. We always want to leave the field cleaner than when we arrived.